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Woman in Lotus Pose

Sacred Heart & Conscious Mastery

clear blocks . change your beliefs . open your heart

Are you ready to rewrite your Heart Code?


Are you moving through life, wondering why you aren't attracting the things you want, meeting the man of your dreams, keep fighting with your family, or are feeling the grip of loneliness? Lacking a sense of purpose, clarity and drive?


Sounds like it is time to identify your limiting beliefs and shift them - right here, right now.

Once you begin to identify your blocks, you can integrate new, healthy beliefs and shift how you show up in the world.



Adria's Sacred Heart Workshops support you with


Blocks around love

Trouble with your family

Grief, Loss and Letting go

Connecting to spirit

Finding your purpose and compass

Identifying sabotaging tendencies and negative habits

Feeling open and loved

Aligning with the life you want

Clearing blocks from the Chakras


A gentle and sacred journey of Meditation, Breath, Intuitive Coaching & Healing


For 2 hours, Adria will guide you to transcend your mind, empower your psyche and invite divine clearing and healing into your heart.



"Healing does not necessarily make the pain go away. Healing is allowing, accepting and empowering the heart to return to its true compass, releasing the story and beliefs that limit and restrict your full potential." 




Each workshop includes

variations of​


Conscious Mastery Questions for insight

Guided Meditation to access your innate wisdom

Rewriting your heart-code & transforming limiting beliefs

Stillness for the soul

Learning about the Chakra energy centres



Cast light on your struggle and make a choice to return to love. This is a safe space to lift the veil of depression, failed relationships and dreams, loss of direction, sexual abuse, trauma, loss of childhood innocence, disconnection from or as a mother, or any other struggle that has created separation in your heart. 


Sacred Space

We open with an invitation to our ancestors, our inner guidance and deeper heart-centred resolve.

By creating a sacred space, we are able to set our intentions, identify the patterns that hold us back and change them.  



Energy Healing  

A magical opportunity to receive acupressure and energy healing during meditation, lifting tension from your heart and psyche.



Rewrite your Code

Each class relates to a theme surrounding the heart. Insightful and empowering coaching questions assist you in identifying your blocks, connecting to the pain you carry in your cells and shifting your patterns.

Guided Meditation

Each meditation is an intuitive journey that takes you on a a visual and body-sense experience. 

You will be lead to work with your angels or Higher Self for healing and integration. The guided journey holds your conscious mind, while inviting your subconscious to clear unresourceful beliefs, allowing your heart to surrender into a state of love and peace.

Transform limiting beliefs & rewrite your heart's code
Learn acupressure to balance your body and mind
Access your innate wisdom through guided meditation
Feel the stillness or your soul



By Donation

 $15 - $45​



Byron Shire - South Golden Hall

Feb 29th 6-8pm

Drop-In  & Cash Welcome

+ Please Bring Yoga Mat & Journal



Request a Workshop

If you'd like a workshop near you, or online please email your interest.




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