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A guest on Global Healing Exchange (over 1,127 views)
Interview on Chai & Chats
Such an honour to have been invited as a guest. Read a full interview by Danielle Reickwood
Blog Post: Insights

Video's that inspire
How did you arrive at this Profession?
Adria Ellis, Interviewed by
I feel like this profession chose me. When I was 14, my father enrolled me in my first acupressure class. He saw that from a very young age I was interested in massaging people and he wanted to encourage something I was naturally good at.
Before I settled on acupressure, I felt I had to go out into the world and experience other career paths. I tried floristry, advertising, marketing and even pursued a degree in Anthropology and Aboriginal Art, before I
returned to acupressure.
Would you like to share a success story?
I recently had a client come to me with restricted breathing. She was unable to get a full breath and had had pain in her chest for six months. Her doctor told her that her lung capacity was lower than normal and then booked for a follow-up with a specialist.
We worked together twice before her specialist appointment.