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Awaken Your Heart & Soul


This three day retreat will help you to return to your heart to feel peace and presence in your life once again.

Often times we forget to focus on what is important to us, or we mistakingly put our energy on to what we think we should be doing and not how we want to be.

This three day retreat is designed to reactivate your heart and clear your mind so that you can once again feel a sense of peace and return to a state of love. It will help you to remember how it feels to be living from your heart.



Dive into the depths of your being on a fascinating journey of self discovery



In chinese medicine the heart is considered the seat of both the mind and the heart. When the heart is out of balance many parts of our life are affected and the harmony, balance, peace and clarity we seek is lost. When the heart is balanced we have peace, joy, love and clarity.


As much as this retreat focusses on opening into the heart, we will also look to open to the higher mind, or higher self for wisdom and guidance through long standing fatigue, loss, confusion, heart ache and many lives distractions in general.


We will take time to sit with and understand the pull of the heart and honour it’s longing for rest, love and peace.



This retreat includes yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation, Journaling and reflective activities to unpack the mind and return our heart to a sense of love.


If you are ready to feel open in your heart, to feel restored, rested and empowered, then join us for this incredible Shift of consciousness and a return to love.



The Journey


To Shift 

We will start by identifying what needs to shift in your life, and in which areas. You do not need to have a clear idea of one thing in particular, we will simply explore where we are feeling stuck.


It is important to remember who we are intrinsically, at our core. With gentle guided meditation you will reconnect to your higher self, your spirit self and the angelic realm to re write your heart code.

Filling your cup

It is important to feel love on a cellular level so we know what to create more of and where we have been mistakingly choosing from fear. Then, we will simply spend time drinking in the magic of the heart.


Self Healing 

Heart opening with acupressure to open the energy channels and allow love in.


Trust & Surrender

To be in the heart can take courage and it is important to understand who and how to trust in life. We will gently explore trust and the quality of surrender as a way to strengthen our resolve and shift into the heart.


Soul Journey

Sometimes we are left wondering what brings us joy, and our limitation is created only by the limitations of what we already know. Together we will deepen our connection to our soul to unmask what the heart is asking for more of.



A Sacred Immersion 


Shift old patterns, beliefs and habits to come into their fullness


Have fun and play together in a safe and sacred space

Reclaim your power and deepen connection to Self

Writing by the Water

Your Day:


Each day begins with awakening the heart as we overlook 1000 acres of beautiful country at the base of Wolumbin  (Mt Warning), You will hear the distance kritan echoing thought the hills from the temple and taste the sacredness of the land. The mornings will start with either Yoga or Qi gong, and after a delicious breakfast, will move into mindfulness activities to invoke clarity and self enquiry. After lunch we will settle into a guided meditation and continue in re-writing our heart code. 


At any time you are welcome to choose to rest and retreat to your room, walk the grounds or simply nap. The offerings are rich and optional, and it is important that you listen to your needs as an invaluable step in reaching towards the quality of consciousness you long to create in your life.


Semicircle of Crystals

When & Where
November 2022

Krishna Village

Byron Shire 




Early Bird: $560 plus accommodation

Choose from non-residential, camping, twin or private

Book Now



What to bring

Journal/ notepad

Water bottle 

Comfortable dress

An offering for the altar

An open heart and willingness to learn







12:30 to 1:15 - lunch


1:30 to 5 - Check in to your accomodation 


4:15- 5:45 - Yoga or dance


6:15 - 7 - Dinner @ the temple


7:15 - 8:30 - Welcome Circle 









6:30 - 8:00 - Vinyassa Yoga or Quiet practice


8:30-9:15 - Breakfast


10 to 11 - Mindfulness Activity


11 to 11:30 - Rest & Morning Tea


11:30 to 12:30 - Meditation


12:30 to 1:30 - lunch


1:30 to 2:30 - Reflection & Guided Journey


2:30 to 3:00 Rest & Afternoon Tea


3 to 4 - Mindfullness Acitivty


4:15 to 5:45 Ying Yoga or Quiet Rest


6:15 to 7 Dinner


7:15 to 8 Yoga Nidra

Illustrated Flower
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