As a new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, it is often viewed as a symbol of new beginnings. This magical phase provides a reset where goals are renewed, desires are set, and new intentions are made.
New Moon in Pisces:
February 23rd/24th 2020

Times Around The World…
Sydney: Monday February 24th, 2020 at 2.32 am
Hong Kong: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 11.32 pm
Kolkata: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 9.02 pm
Moscow: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 6.32 pm
Paris: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 4.32 pm
London: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 3.32 pm
New York: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 10.32 am
Los Angeles: Sunday February 23rd, 2020 at 7.32 am.
About This New Moon…
A flood of much-needed compassion arrives on February 23, when the annual new moon in Pisces opens a channel to the divine and connects us back to our most intuitive and loving selves.
Pisces is a sign of immense compassion, empathy and psychic sensitivity…so this is a potent time to connect to our intuition and be guided by our souls. Pisces sentiments awaken us to a gentler way of being, looking at the world through a more idealistic lens. It heightens feelings of sympathy and spirituality, and adds a willingness to sacrifice the ‘self’ in favor of something bigger.
Pisces is also highly creative, so this month is a great one for creative projects and ventures.
This is an incredibly special new moon, with Pisces playing host to both Neptune (the moon’s ruler) and Mercury Retrograde…
The traditional ruler of Pisces is Jupiter, now aligned with modern ruler Neptune, but square to Venus. With Venus as the planet of love, joy and desire…and Jupiter representing expansiveness, this can trigger an overindulgence of pleasurable, sociable energies.
Overall, though, this is a pleasant New Moon, with a lot of very positive energies. The stars are syncing in easy formation, allowing us to invoke change!
Mars has left Sagittarius and now joins the South Node in Capricorn - this indicates some final pushes, removals and eradications are underway – a wonderful detox is in motion!
Mars (an assertive energy) in harmony with with innovative Uranus gives us the energy to take risks, get out of our comfort zone, and try new things.
The Sun and Moon are both close to Mercury…making this a time for planning, thinking, learning, and curiosity. With Mercury retrograde, however, its best to avoid important decisions. Instead, use this time to rethink past expectations and plans, looking to the future and envisioning a better life. Do your research and reassess your current situation, but wait to act. When Mercury goes direct on March 9-10 during the Full Moon, you will have more clarity around your dreams and vision.
How To Work With This New Moon…
Focus on Pisces themes: healing, sacrifice, surrender, transcendence – and Capricorn themes: endurance, long-term vision, planning, success. Ask yourself, where are new boundaries flourishing? How is the old being dissolved and something new being given nourishment to grow?
Take a break, pull back and reflect on what’s been going on and what you want. Think about how you can have a better future and how to make the world a better place. This New Moon is a beautiful time for zeroing in on your most whimsical intention - and then sharing all the details, either with others or through writing. Putting powerful thoughts into words boosts your potential to manifest them.
Work with water, empathy, spirit, music and whatever moves you – the New Moon is on a Sunday or Monday, connecting us back to the Sun and Moon in Pisces; it’s ruled by Neptune in Pisces, or Jupiter, aligned with Neptune. Therefore the prominent theme links back to water. Go swimming or indulge in a spa day. Plan to have a spiritual retreat or switch off from the usual demands of everyday life.